
Donating to the University of Minnesota Agricultural Education, Communication and Marketing program helps us maintain and enrich our programs and recruit and retain students in both our majors. Donations are used to support fellowships and scholarships, outreach programs, special research, Minnesota Teacher Induction Program (TIP) and activities that enhance the learning experiences for our students. Your gifts, in any amount, truly make a difference for our students, faculty, and staff! Learn more about our program in our AECM Case Statement (PDF).

If you are interested in giving, here is our AECM undergraduate scholarship fund for your convenience: 

Find more scholarship fund options on the Agricultural Education, Communication and Marketing page on the UMN Foundation website. 

The link above will direct you to the appropriate page on the U of M's Foundation website to give to that specific fund. After opening that page, select "Make A Gift" to begin the process of giving.

Several other giving opportunities for scholarships are available within Agricultural Education, Communication and Marketing. If you wish to make an online donation to a specific fund, you may search for the name of a fund you have in mind. If the fund is not found, you may write it in the box labeled "other" and the gift will be directed according to your wishes. Opportunities for making future gifts can be found at the U of M's Foundation's planned giving website.

Thank you for your support. If you have questions or comments, please contact us. Below you will find a couple of videos from our current students about the impact their scholarships have given them, and the difference you can make in their education.

Video file


Video file

Contact Us

If you have questions or would like additional information about making a gift, please contact: 

Susan Scofield
CFANS Development Officer
(612) 626-0570  
[email protected]