
Name Areas of Interest Email
Brad Greiman
Emeritus Associate Professor
[email protected]
Terrance Hurley
Interim Department Head

Natural Resource Economics
Production Economics
Science and Technology Policy

[email protected]
Troy McKay
CHS Digital Media Instructor

Science Communication 
The Use of Video Production as Learning Tool
Classroom Instruction and Assessment of Media Production Projects
Leadership's Relationship with Creative Collaboration

[email protected]
Roland Peterson
Emeritus Professor
[email protected]
Laura Rice
Teaching Assistant Professor

Discipline-specific pedagogies; pedagogical content knowledge
Technical skill acquisition and confidence in agricultural mechanics

[email protected]
Amy Smith
Associate Professor

Teacher recruitment and retention in school-based agricultural education
Teaching effectiveness
Teacher induction and support

[email protected]
Jeffrey Stamp
Teaching Professor Entrepreneurship

Corporate Entrepreneurship
Opportunity Recognition
Design Thinking

[email protected]
Garrett Steede
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Rebecca Swenson
Associate Professor

Agricultural and environmental communication
Social and digital media storytelling
Community building
Science communication and training

[email protected]
Lee Thompson

Agricultural Mechanics

[email protected]