Students in the Agricultural Education (teacher licensure) and Agricultural Communication and Marketing majors receive some of the highest levels of scholarship support among majors in CFANS and the University of Minnesota! These scholarships are due to the generous donations from alumni, friends, professional associations, and organizations. Entering freshmen, transfer students, and current undergraduate students are eligible to receive scholarships. Below are some of the scholarships available to students.
Undergraduate Scholarships
Donors provide students in the Agricultural Education and Agricultural Communication & Marketing majors with approximately $35,000 in scholarships on an annual basis. Entering freshmen, transfer students, and current undergraduate students are eligible to receive scholarships.
In general, donors desire to reward undergraduate students who have a record of academic achievement, have served in leadership roles, and have a career pathway to the agricultural education profession. Some donors may have more specific requirements. Students who meet donor intent are eligible to receive one of the following scholarships:
- Ag Ed Centennial Undergraduate Student Scholarship
- W. Forest Bear Scholarship
- W. Forest Bear 2 + 2 Scholarship
- Frank Bezdicek Scholarship
- Paul M. & Rita L. Day Scholarship
- Joseph M. Kemen Scholarship
- Kortesmaki Scholarship
- Dr. R. Paul & Ruby H. Marvin Scholarship
- Marvin Seminar & Scholarship Fund
- MN FFA Association & MN Association of Ag Educators (MAAE) Scholarship
- MN FFA Foundation Scholarship
- Miron Family Farms Scholarship
- Roland L. & R. Geraldine Peterson Scholarship Fund
- Stanley D. Sahlstrom Scholarship
- Joanna D. Schmitt Scholarship
- Morris H. Titrud Scholarship
Students who apply for CFANS scholarships (deadline March 1 of each year) are automatically considered for these undergraduate scholarships.
Agricultural Education Graduate Scholarships
Our program is fortunate to have the support of the following fellowships for graduate student recruitment and support.
- Ag Ed Centennial Graduate Fellowship
- Ruth & Paul Thomas Agricultural Education Graduate Fellowship
- Dr. Deane A. Turner & Sherry Turner Oleson Graduate Fellowship
Contact our office at [email protected] for more information about application procedures and deadlines for the above scholarships.
Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council (MAELC) Scholarships
MAELC provides students in the agricultural education major with $40,000 in scholarships on an annual basis.
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) Scholarships
CFANS provides students with nearly $1 million in scholarships on an annual basis.
National FFA Organization Scholarships
The National FFA provides students who are FFA members with approximately $2 million in scholarships on an annual basis.
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